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Mastership 2024/2025

Oakley Hunt Subscriptions 2023- 2024

Visitors are very welcome to hunt with The Oakley, we request that you contact the Hunt Secretary before the day,

for full payment details including direct debit options please contact :-

Mrs J Falkner 

Email : Hunt Secretary

Tel: 07790 285165

Daily Rates


Visiting Cap £70.00 per Day

Visiting Farmer £40per Day

Children Under 16 £10 per Day

Children 16 -21 £20 per Day


In the event of bad weather this will be updated on our WhatsApp Group


The Tumblers Club

The Tumblers Club is a light hearted way of making a few pennies for the hunt by charging fallers on the hunting field.

Each time a rider falls there are always others who stop to make sure the casualty is OK and if necessary capture the horse!  Once riders are re-united with their steed they can expect a visit from me. I then congratulate the faller on joining the club and ask them to donate £5 to the Tumblers Fund.  
At the end of the season we celebrate the best tumble of the season and the most frequent faller of the season will receive the coverted "Oakley Tumblers Club Perpetual Trophy" at next seasons Hunt Breakfast.


We hope you are all ok after your tumbles, thank you to those of you who have paid your Tumblers money, if you haven't paid please could you forward your payment to Janine Hudson. We all look forward to seeing you next season.

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